
Disability benefits replace a portion of your income if you’re unable to work for an extended period of time due to illness or injury.

Short-Term Disability (STD)

STD benefits replace 60% of your biweekly base pay for up to 25 weeks of disability, after seven days.

If you’re eligible for benefits and regularly scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week, you are automatically enrolled in the STD benefit at no cost to you. You are eligible for this benefit the first day of the month after completion of any employment probationary period that applies to you.

How to request STD

As of June 1, STD is managed by Sedgwick. If your date of disability begins before June 1, MetLife will continue to manage your claim. Contact MetLife at 833-622-0136.

If your date of disability starts on or after June 1, follow these steps to request STD:

  1. Notify your director or manager.
  2. Submit your request to Sedgwick at timeoff.sedgwick.com or call 844-263-3121.
  3. Provide supporting documentation (if required) by the deadline. Sedgwick will notify you if your request is approved.

Note: STD benefits run concurrently with family and medical leave (FMLA) or a health leave of absence (LOA). Learn about your leave options for when you need extended time away from work.

Long-Term Disability (LTD)

LTD replaces 60% of your monthly base pay, up to a maximum of $10,000 per month, after you have been continuously disabled for 26 weeks. Contact MetLife at 833-622-0136 to request LTD benefits.

If you’re eligible for benefits, you’re automatically enrolled in LTD insurance as a new hire, which is 100% employee paid. If you don’t want LTD coverage, you can opt out on SmartSource during your new hire enrollment or the annual Open Enrollment period. If you opt out, you can re-enroll during the next Open Enrollment period, but you’ll be required to complete Evidence of Insurability through MetLife.

Contact MetLife at 833-622-0136 to request LTD benefits.

Benefits may continue up to normal retirement age or age 65 if the insurance carrier certifies you as disabled. View the Summary Plan Description for more information.

Return to work process

Follow these steps through Occupational Health in order to return to work:

  1. You must get a note from your physician that lists your return-to-work date and any restrictions or accommodations you may need, and how long you may need them.
  2. Call Occupational Health two weeks before your expected return date to schedule an appointment about returning to work. Occupational Health will tell you what documentation you need. Bring the return-to-work information from your physician to this appointment.
  3. Occupational Health will notify your manager or director if you have been cleared to return with or without restrictions or accommodations.
    1. If you’re not cleared to return to work, contact Sedgwick or MetLife to extend your leave.
    2. If you are cleared, you must contact Sedgwick or MetLife to close out your leave and disability.

Note: Sedgwick and MetLife do not return employees to work. You must be cleared through Occupational Health in order to return to work.
